Frequently Asked Questions

How is this different/better than what the insurance salesman will present for an hour for free?

This seminar is more comprehensive and less biased than an insurance-sales based talk. We will educate your residents on the financial topics they’ll need to start as an attending physician. We have nothing to sell, no commissions to earn, no conflicts of interest, no way to profit from their actions. We will help them create a comprehensive game plan to succeed in their financial life. 

Most investment salespeople are paid on commission.  It is in their best interest to sell the products that will maximize their own profit, not necessarily what is in the best interest of the buyer.  Intentional Investment is different, because the only product we offer is education.  

Your residents would have the benefit of an insider teaching them what to watch out for in the investment industry.  They’ll have a Registered Investment Advisor, Certified Retirement Planning Counselor and a licensed attorney to teach them and answer their questions, with no hidden conflicts of interest about profiting from their decisions. 

Why did you create this seminar and workshop?

We created this educational experience to fill a need that we noticed after working closely with physicians for over a decade.  Older physicians were underfunded for retirement and unprepared to deal with the financial landmines of life.  Some were financially derailed after a divorce or a job termination.  


This seminar was created to help young doctors get the information they need, at an ideal point in time.  Financial decisions made the first three out of residency have a large impact on a doctor’s financial future. 

How long is the seminar, and how should we structure the time?

The entire experience takes about 5 hours.  This includes 4 hours of presentation + 1 hour of interactive workshop.  In the workshop, residents create their own hypothetical salary/match/return/financial freedom date projections.  

Content can be presented over two different days.  It can be shrunken into a shorter (2.5 hour) seminar, but often residents ask questions about the eliminated sections.  An ideal structure would be to present 2-2.5 hours on the first day, and 2.5 hours during the following week.  

The time in between seminar days would allow for attendees to implement some of the strategies mentioned (set up 401k at work, choose investments) and then ask questions after implementing strategies.  See Articles page: Empowering Physicians with Financial Literacy for ideas about timing and opportunities to ask questions.

When is the best time to start the seminar?

If the seminar is to be taught in one day, it’s best to start earlier in the day, so students are fresh and focused enough to absorb the large volume of content. If it can’t begin earlier in the day (1 pm or earlier), it is better to split into two half-days of content. 

Do you give specific investment advice?

No, there is no individual investment advice.  We educate and prepare students with knowledge, so they are confident and empowered to make their own intelligent financial decisions.  There is a package that permits a second “day after” the seminar to sit down with up to 10 students individually to answer their questions and run projections.

What if the residents don’t have much knowledge in personal finance?

These stories and lessons were created to be accessible to people with no prior financial knowledge.  These concepts can be learned at very young ages (and really should be taught in high school). We created a bi-weekly personal finance segment for a 4th grade math class. These 9-year-olds were eager to learn, and it was impressive to see how quickly they absorbed the content.  

At the end of the semester, students eagerly raised their hands to answer questions explaining the difference between stocks and bonds, and how compounding interest works, and what is a depreciating asset. 4th graders can learn the content in about 10 hours (over a semester).  Brilliant medical residents have proven to absorb the information in about half that time. 




Interested In the Seminar?

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